Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Compare between Plato and Karl marx on the topic of human nature Essay

Compare between Plato and Karl marx on the topic of human nature - Essay Example Similarly, it will be somewhat more difficult with respect to Karl Marx, not due to the fact that Marx had no opinion on the issue (quite the opposite in fact), but rather due to the fact that Marx himself never specifically sought to engage on the topic. Rather, Marx would periodically discuss tangential manifestations of human nature with respect to â€Å"essence† and â€Å"biological definitions of man† within his works. To this end, I will seek to synthesize these tangential manifestations as a way of understanding what this author believes to be Karl Marx’s approach to the issue of human nature within his writings. Firstly, when one considers Plato, they necessarily consider his inspiration and teacher – Socrates. Socrates himself was highly interested in the notion of human nature as he so often came at odds with prevailing notions of his time while attempting to break through such staunchly, albeit blindly, held beliefs that the men of his time clun g to with such fervor. Accordingly, due to the fact that Socrates had such a profound impact on Plato, it is not beyond logic to assume that many of Plato’s own views of human nature were themselves borrowed or at the very least inspired from Socrates. One such view of humanity is of course distinctly related through Plato’s allegory of the cave (Plato 44). Although a host of Plato’s writings deal with the topic of human nature, for purposes of this brief analysis, the author will only consider the allegory of the cave due to the length limitations that a more full and complete analysis might entail. It seems to me that such an approach is useful due to the fact that Plato can provide a well reasoned and differentiated view of reality and its relation to the constructs of human nature. Within this work, Plato introduces the reader to a situation in which allegorical prisoners are chained to a cave wall for their entire lives – never seeing anyone or the l ight of day. Rather, all the prisoners are able to discern is the flicker and the shadows of figures that the moving individuals and torches behind them portend. The allegory goes on to explain that if one of these creatures was taken out into the light of day to see the sun, to view the skies, and to feel the warmth of the air, they would likely run frantically back into the bowels of the cave to escape from such perceptions that they might deem as unsavory and wildly foreign. In this way, Plato exhibits an example to the reader in which the reality/nature of the individual is uniquely born out of the perceptions/environment in which they have grown accustomed (Fromm 24). As such, Plato illustrates that encouraging such an individual to action outside of their comfort zone or to think outside of the means by which they have grown accustomed very rarely yields a positive result. In this way, Plato exhibits a very traditional view of human nature as something that is ingrained from t he early experiences and years of an individual’s life and seeks to define and corral the ambitions, thoughts, dreams, and goals, of the individual for the remainder of the life. As this can be understood as a traditional approach to human nature, it must also be understood as

Monday, February 10, 2020

Thearatical model of integration Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Thearatical model of integration - Essay Example Early behavioral approaches did not directly investigate the role of cognition and person centered processes in the development or maintenance of emotional disorders. Person centered therapy is based on the clinical application of the more recent, but now also extensive research into the prominent role of cognitions in the development of emotional disorders. The term ‘Person Centered Therapy’ (PCT) is variously used to refer to therapy based on the pragmatic combination of principles of person centered theories. New PCT interventions are keeping pace with developments in the academic discipline of psychology in areas such as attention, perception, reasoning, decision making etc. Person centered and/or client centered psychotherapists work with individuals, families and groups. The approaches can be used to help anyone irrespective of ability, culture, race, gender or sexual preference. Person centered and/or behavioral psychotherapies can be used on their own or in conjunction with medication, depending on the severity or nature of each client’s problem. The father of this school of thought was the infamous Sigmund Freud, who about a century ago changed the entire perspective on how humanity used to view the structure of personality. Though largely controversial, yet ironically the words his critics use to highlights defects in him, are also given to the scientific world by Freud himself. By far, his greatest of contributions to the science of psychology is the concept of ‘unconscious’, and his attempt to interpret dreams. Before him, for centuries, understanding behavior was considered to be the job of physiologists and philosophers. It was after him, that truly the birth of an individual science of psychology came into existent, which had concepts, theories and hypotheses, which were specific to the specialization of this science alone. â€Å"Traditional psychoanalysis is quite complex and time consuming,† (Brown, 2000, p. 121). The